Sometimes life is a puzzle. You have to stop and think.
I’m sitting at my parents kitchen table writing this to you. Daisy and Grandma are on the floor putting together a puzzle. Grandma pauses and says, Sometimes life is a puzzle. You have to stop and think. And here we think we are so different from our parents. Slow down, soften, breathe, feel and respond. Works for yoga and all of life’s puzzles.
As we rush into April and all the momentum dragged along with this past year of epic emotion, ready or not we are headed toward a big release. Aligning our internal pacing with the rhythm of nature and our unhurried breath, instead of allowing our racing minds to take the lead, is necessary to find ease and balance.
This Month’s Theme is Refresh & Renew You
With each inhale I am refreshed. With each exhale I am renewed.
When you are at ease, each inhale refreshes you. When you are calm, each exhale renews you. Nature shows us the signs of rebirth with each new bud and bloom. When we take good care of ourselves we are reborn too. When we take good care of ourselves in community, we co-create a vibrant eco system, like a magical forrest, uninterrupted to create wild, interconnected, vivid life.
Source link: by Tara Stiles at