5 Foods for Clear Glowing Skin

“You are what you eat,” this saying is not just applicable to our body’s health; our skin’s health also depends on what we eat. We’re sure you remember your grandma telling you to stay away from oily food when you were suffering from severe acne in your teenage years, or even your mother telling you to take that blood purifier for clearer skin; they were not wrong. There are various foods that help boost our skin’s health. Here, we’ve listed a few that you should definitely consider adding to your diet: 1. Dates: Read more here

The post 5 Foods for Clear Glowing Skin appeared first on Health Beauty And Food.

Source link: http://www.healthbeautyandfood.com/5-foods-for-clear-glowing-skin-2/ by Fatima Nayani at www.healthbeautyandfood.com